I help guide you through challenges from a spiritual and holistic lens using ancient modalities such as Wordsmithing, PSYCH-K®, Fascial Maneuvers, Gene Keys, Astrology and more. The “problem” isn’t the problem. The problem is our perception of the problem and the beliefs we hold at a subconscious level. When we get clarity on the root of what is actually holding us back, and we reprogram those limiting beliefs, we have the space and awareness to create necessary changes that lead us to a life of freedom, ease and joy.

All programs and offerings begin with a complimentary phone consultation to ensure it is the right fit for you.


1 x 75-Minute Session / Personal Profile Guide / $125

PSYCH-K® initial COACHING session

1 x 90-Minute Session / Post-Integration Email



Take advantage of this call! I begin all work with a complimentary phone consultation. This allows you to discern if this is the right path and timing for you, and how we can create transformative results together. The intention is to focus on tailored guidance around healing, facing fears, developing courage and aligning to your authentic life.

My goal isn’t to sell you on anything. It’s to help you uncover what you are really seeking.

15-Minute Phone Consultation